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What is Sangha?

The word “Sangha” comes from Buddhism to signify the spiritual community that gathers around an awakened master. First is the journey to self realization, then is the journey to ultimate freedom. Sangha is here to support all journeys.

Our Anatta Sangha is a gathering of individuals to aid in the discovery of self and support each other for the cultivation of ultimate freedom. We are eager to help others wherever they are in their process.

Sangha, Satsang, Kirtan, Spiritual Practice

We are using these essential devices for the process of transformation and awakening.

How the West is dedicated to science, the East has always been dedicated to the dimension of spiritual awakening. Through the experience of thousands of years, Satsang, Sangha, Kirtan, and Spiritual Practice were discovered to be the most essential for self realization. All awakened masters have had different ideas, techniques, and understandings; but over the millennia, these four tools have been used by all masters for the spiritual growth of humanity.

Our Offerings

Sharing Satsang, Kirtan, Therapies, Retreats, and Festivals

Our offerings are uniquely created from the teachings and techniques of awakened masters.


The Kirtan songs of Anatta Sangha are composed by our sangha musicians, using poetries written by past Awakened Masters…


The purpose of Satsang with Yaahoo Baba is awakening to our True Nature and cultivating ultimate freedom…


Our Therapists are trained in a variety of personal therapy techniques to aid in healing, alignment, and spiritual growth…


Our retreats and festivals are unique creations inspired by the pointings of different awakened masters of the past…

Upcoming Events

Join us in person or online at one of our upcoming events.
Here we share our scheduled satsang, retreats, kirtans, and workshops.

Anatta Kirtan in Bangalore

Join us at the Indian Music Experience Museum for an evening full of song, dance, and great celebration. Through singing the words of Awakened Masters in a great state of bliss, we soak these messages and raise our vibration! Let’s spread love!

Zentra Festival

Join us in Arambol, Goa our 5 day Zentra Festival! Celebrate with breathwork, Anatta Kirtan, meditations, Open Mic night, Mini Fair, Sharing circles, and so much more. It will be a great 5 days of connection, celebration, and meditation together.

Silence Retreat

Spend 7 days in silence by the grace of Sri Ramana Maharshi and the holy Arunachala Mountain. In this retreat we will cultivate our awakening through deep silence, meditation, and inquiry. 


A collection of photos from our time together over the years. Celebrating life, cultivating truth, exploring ourselves, meeting with beautiful beings. Thank you to everyone for being here with us on this ever evolving journey!

Shoonya Kuteer

Anatta Sangha is building an ashram! We are excited to finally have a permanent space where beautiful beings from around the world can come and visit us. We are making the whole ashram from simple materials such as mud bricks and hay, constructing homes, dormitories, a big satsang hall, an outdoor activity space and much more. We are excited to welcome you soon to visit us at Shoonya. Kuteer

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Please write us with any and all inquiries!
We would love to hear from you.